CTEC Series DC UPS with Ultracapacitors : CTEC Series DC UPS with Ultracapacitors

DC UPS units that work with built in ultra capactiors instead of an external battery providing very high capacity in a compact size. The capacitors are charged using an ac ord dc supply depending on the model and available supply while at the same time the load is supplied with the required dc voltage. In case of input supply failure the CTEC dc ups continues to supply the load from the energy stored in the ultracapaitors. The backup time depends on the size of the ultracapacitors used and the sate of charge of the capacitors when the power failure occurs. Typical capacitor sizes range from 500 joules to 10 kilo joules. The CTEC range of dc ups units with capacitor storage are available in 12V 24V and 48V voltages.

Part #: CTEC Series


Snaptec has introducted a new series of DC UPS units that work with built in ultra capactiors instead of an external battery. The Ctec range of DC UPS units technology is based on the use of the new range of ultracapacitors that provide very high capacity in a compact size. The capacitors are charged using an ac ord dc supply depending on the model and available supply while at the same time the load is supplied with the required dc voltage. In case of input supply failure the CTEC dc ups continues to su

  • Compact design with no need for large external batteries.
  • Virtually maintenance free, expected to last for more than 10 years.
  • Operation under etreme high and low tempertures without threat of damage.
  • No gas emmsisions.
  • Fast recharge time for capacitors means fast availability.
  • Deep discharge protection for the capacitors.

  • There are two version of the CTEC DC UPS with ultracapacitors, one version provided regulation of the output voltage when in buffer mode, while the second version provides unregulated output voltage when in buffer mode. For further details please contact Snaptec.